Transforming your intranet into a Digital Workplace |
The Guide

The advent of hybrid working has highlighted the need for companies to have effective internal communication and collaboration. Traditional top-down communication, via the indispensable intranet, is no longer enough.

It is time to make transversal interactions between employees more fluid and to facilitate access to work tools, both on site and on the move. In short, the time has come to set up a real collaborative digital workspace that is functional, pleasant and accessible from "anywhere". The digital transformation timidly initiated a few years ago by the intranet must therefore be accelerated.

Objective: Future of Work! Want to take your organization to the next level? Mozzaik365 explains how to move towards the Digital Workplace and get your teams on board. Read the following carefully

1. What is the Digital Workplace?

The Digital Workplace, is a digital hub centralizing the digital tools useful to an organization, particularly its intranet.

1.1 The Digital Workplace integrates the intranet

The Digital Workplace integrates the company's intranet. This tool is essential for sharing information between management and employees.

Better still, the Digital Workplace allows information to be disseminated in a personalized manner, adapted to each employee according to his or her uses, interests and needs.

In short, with Digital Workplace, the intranet is streamlined to more effectively achieve its primary objective of informing the company's stakeholders.

1.2 The Digital Workplace, well beyond the intranet

The Digital Workplace is not just a trickle of information from management, the Human Resources Department or Internal Communications. It is a real digital work ecosystem that provides answers to the multiple uses of the organization.

This intelligent central portal facilitates access to knowledge, applications (support and business) and people (managers, peers, field staff, etc.). Even from a distance, it creates links between employees, stimulates collective intelligence and simplifies work.

1.3 The Digital Workplace boosts the value chain

In summary, the Digital Workplace offers three levels of added value:

1. It facilitates access to applications, documentation and information;

2. It facilitates the transition from one work tool to another;

3. It enriches the daily working environment with numerous features.

As a result, the Digital Workplace boosts the value chain and is a real "game changer" for the company in terms of productivity and sustainability.

Transforming the intranet into a Digital Workplace

2. Why create a Digital Workplace?

In concrete terms, the Digital Workplace allows the company to :

2.1 Increasing efficiency

And for good reason:the Digital Workplace boosts individual performance. Each user has instant access, via his personal Dashboard, to all the software, contacts and data they need.

The portal opens up to a personalized selection of digital tools (business applications, communication tools, project management tools, databases, etc.) and authorizes their frictionless use, including on Smartphone.

2.2 Fostering internal collaboration

But that's not all. The Digital Workplace is also a major vector of collective performance.

By bringing together business applications and collaborative work tools (photo directory, messaging, web conferencing, project management, document sharing, etc.) in a single location, the Digital Workplace allows employees to interact easily, even when they do not share the same office.

The Digital Workplace provides access to a company directory The Digital Workplace provides access to a company directory containing a wealth of information about each employee (position, contact details, skills, projects carried out, etc.). Thanks to this "enhanced" photo organization chart, employees can find and contact the in-house expert they need with a single click. This creates synergies, capitalizes on internal know-how and boosts the progress of projects.

2.3 Ensuring good knowledge management

The Digital Workplace also enables good knowledge management throughout the company.

Knowledge bases can be integrated into the workspace. These are added to by the employees to avoid any loss of knowledge.

The use of tags allows a thematic organization of information and simplifies access to data. Employees can search by keywords and save valuable time.

These knowledge management wikis are particularly useful for newcomers. They can easily immerse themselves in the common intellectual heritage.

2.3 Facilitating telework

In general, the Digital Workplace promotes the resilience of the organization in the face of change (health crisis, new talent aspirations, etc.).

The Digital Workplace is particularly suitable for teleworking. Indeed, the Digital Workplace is hosted on the Cloud and accessible "from anywhere". This portability makes it possible to practice home office or remote working efficiently and safely.

Transformez votre intranet en un lieu de travail numérique

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2.4 Streamlining internal communication

Getting the right message to the right people at the right time is essential to the functioning of an organization, especially in times of uncertainty. The Digital Workplace makes it easy to achieve this goal.

With Mozzaik365, a natural extension of SharePoint, internal communication, HR and managers can, for example, transmit information in a targeted way, thanks to tags, audience segmentation and a personalized news wall.

You can also integrate your social networks to foster Employee Advocacy within your company

👉 Want to improve communication within your company? Check out our ultimate guide to the internal communication plan.

As you can see, the benefits of the Digital Workplace are numerous. To find out more about the different features that exist, see our gallery of cases of use.

3. Moving from the Intranet to the Digital Workplace

The Digital Workplace provides a simple answer to the demands of the contemporary workplace. So why and how do you move from intranet to a digital workplace and how do you get your employees on board? That's what we're going to see.

3.1 Why move from the intranet to the Digital Workplace?

To put it briefly, moving from an intranet to a true Digital Workplace means making uses (internal communication, training, collaboration, etc.) more fluid and centralized by integrating the appropriate software into a single digital environment.

In other words, the aim is to simplify the user-employee journey by offering a single access point to a unified and ergonomic workspace.

In practice, the employee no longer has to navigate from one application to another in different contexts. All their tools are centralized and interconnected. The user can, for example, move frictionlessly from a survey to a document database or from an internal communication article to an HR platform.

3.2 How to move from the intranet to the Digital Workplace?

Moving from the intranet to the Digital Workplace requires a methodical approach.

The first step is to carefully create a framework for the project. The collection of employees' expectations is a prerequisite for the design of a Digital Workspace adapted to the specific needs of your organization. The information collected serves as a basis for creating personas (user profiles) and typical cases of use.

With these elements in hand, it is up to the project team to translate them into technical terms, by writing a list of specifications. To guide you in this work, consult our specification's template, explained point by point.

Next comes the design phase. This involves identifying and implementing the technological solutions that meet the specifications determined earlier. At this stage, the architecture of the solution, the rules of governance and the allocation of roles (administrators, contributors, readers, etc.) must be defined.

Once the development of the Digital Workplace is complete, it must be adopted by the employees. A training cycle involving internal "influencers" can be offered for this purpose. In addition, video tutorials can be distributed to employees to enable them to familiarize themselves with the various features at their own pace.

Throughout this process, the company can be accompanied by an integrator, who will ensure that each stage (scoping, design, development, change management, deployment, training) runs smoothly.

3.3 How to get employees on board for change?

According to McKinsey, the strategy consulting firm, the failure rate of change management projects is 70%. The reason for this is a lack of employee buy-in. It is therefore necessary to involve employees in the implementation of your Digital Workplace.

Employees should be considered as customers of the company. As end-users, their needs must guide the development of the solution. It is therefore imperative to include them in the project from its inception, by making them aware of the issues related to the adoption of the Digital Workplace on the one hand, and by scrupulously recording their expectations on the other.

Transform intranet into a Digital Workplace

What you need to remember to turn your intranet into a Digital Workplace

A Digital Workplace is not an intranet. It is an ergonomic digital workspace that centralizes all the tools that your employees need.

Adopting the Digital Workplace unlocks the full potential of your organization. An interface like Mozzaik365 boosts individual performance, promotes collaboration between different stakeholders, facilitates telecommuting, and streamlines internal communication. The result is a more productive and robust organization.

Transforming your intranet into a true Digital Workplace consists of adding knowledge management and internal collaboration features, but also of boosting its internal communication possibilities (audience targeting, personalized RSS feeds, etc.).

But beware, the transition from the intranet to the Digital Workplace must be done in good understanding with your employees. As end users, they must be involved in the change from the outset. Their contribution to the development of the Digital Workplace specifications is essential.  

Do you want to know more about the Digital Workplace? Discover our white paper "Creating a Microsoft 365 Digital Workplace".

Choses à retenir

📌 Ability to create interactive posts it and templates ;

📌 Useful for table design in meetings on Microsoft Teams ;

📌 Project management support ;



Transformez votre intranet en un lieu de travail numérique

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