Politique en matière de cookies

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer, tablet or phone when you use the Mozzaik365 website. It allows our site to recognize you, remember your preferences and understand how you use our services.

How are they used?

Strictly necessary cookies are essential for browsing the site and cannot be disabled.

  • Functional cookies allow us to recognize you and provide you with content tailored to your preferences.
  • Analytical cookies allow us to anonymously collect information on how visitors use our site.
  • Marketing and audience measurement cookies record information about browsing habits to make ads tailored to your interests.

What information is retained by cookies?

A cookie can generally contain the following information:

  • Website name.
  • How long the cookie is stored on your device.
  • Your web browsing habits (including your IP address).
  • The technical specification of your device and a value (usually a unique, randomly generated number).

How are my cookies managed?

On the one hand, there are session cookies, and on the other, persistent cookies.

Session cookies: These are stored on your device for the duration of your Internet session. When you end your session and close your browser, they are automatically deleted.

Persistent cookies : These are stored on your device for a maximum of 13 months. You can also delete them via our cookie management tool or directly from your browser.

Please find the different support links according to your web browser:

If you would like information about behavioural advertising and online privacy, please visit the following links: