Your Digital Workplace would be nothing without it
: the Personal Dashboard

Découvrez l’importance du tableau de bord personnel pour améliorer la productivité et la communication au sein de votre organisation.

The Digital Workplace is one of the essential levers of a company's digital transformation. For employees, one of the essential elements of the Digital Workplace takes the form of a personal Dashboard. It is their dashboard to all their key applications and information.

The Personal Dashboard is the backbone of the Digital Workplace. It materializes the "I" of the employee in the application ecosystem of their company. Experts also call it the "Personal Productivity Hub The experts also call it the" personal productivity hub". But why is the personal dashboard essential? This is the question we will answer in this article.

Transforming Microsoft 365 into a true Digital Workplace

Many companies have chosen Microsoft 365 and in particular Microsoft Teams to create their Digital Workplace. In April 2021, Microsoft had 300 million paying users. And for good reason, the Microsoft suite is very complete and the tools communicate with each other. Thus, they form the Digital Workplace: a coherent workspace that can be integrated into Teams and SharePoint.

It can be used for a variety of purposes: HR intranet, IT help centre, internal communication site, knowledge base, everything is possible. To navigate more efficiently through all the content and applications available, employees have access to a personal Dashboard.

The aim of the Personal Dashboard is to become the homepage (the Landing Page) of the users. They find their profile, their tools and personalised content. It provides access to the services provided by Microsoft 365 and Teams, all the company's business applications, the latest news, the day's to-do list, etc.

In practice, the Personal Dashboard is a grid of Widgets. Each Widget provides a functionality: one displays internal communications, another shortcuts, the next the last consulted SharePoint documents. Together, they form a dashboard that is tailored to each employee.

The Personal Dashboard is modernising work habits. While we used to use a different software for each use, we can now schedule meetings in Teams, take notes in a video conference, send a message in a To Do List! The Personal Dashboard brings all these tools together on the same page with an ergonomics never reached before. A real gain in efficiency for each employee.

Personnal Dashboard for Digital Workplace

Personalization, the real power of the Personal Dashboard

One of the foundations of the Personal Dashboard is personalization. This is done at two levels: at the company level and at the employee level.

👉 At the company level: Initially, the company will propose a Dashboard composed of a selection of preconfigured Widgets for each population. The objective is to provide the most relevant tools so that everyone can achieve their objectives in the best conditions. The Dashboard for Marketing and Communication will be different from that of Finance, which will itself be different from that of Sales and Logistics. These choices are not immutable. They are rather a starting point.

📌 To go further, don't forget to secure your employees' workstations

👉 At the user level: In a second step, the employee can review the layout of his dashboard according to his tastes and habits. The company nevertheless retains the ability to lock in certain elements. For example, internal communication could impose the display of corporate information and operational management could impose the display of the CMR to all sales staff. From an ergonomic point of view, these changes have no impact since each content will adapt according to the space available on the screen.

In any case, the contents displayed in the Dashboard are personalised according to the Personas. The company has the ability to choose the target of the posted content. One could imagine pushing financial data to management or market information to sales people in the field. The user himself can promote the information channels he deems most relevant by subscribing to themes.

This customisation of the interface by users will not only improve satisfaction, but also facilitate user adoption! They feel they can adapt the tool to their own needs.

💡 To go further, find out how to boost the performance of your internal communication with the Digital Workplace

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A modern and efficient user interface

Ergonomics plays a major role in the adoption of such a tool by employees. It must allow the user to access his applications without having to change environment. It must also allow them to find their Dashboard where they left it. This "in-context" operation makes it possible to achieve significant productivity gains. With all the tools concentrated in a single virtual space, the user can carry out his activities without having the impression of changing tools between each task.

💡 To go further, here's everything you need to know about global navigation in the Digital Workplace

On the other hand, Microsoft gives the user the means to perform certain tasks directly at the Widget level. For example, the user can select a Power BI report in two clicks and view the data without leaving the Dashboard. Widgets must be active (or operable) and offer directly exploitable functionalities without forcing the user to switch to Power BI as soon as he or she wishes to have more information. The main idea is to limit as much as possible any change of context, synonymous with loss of efficiency and, ultimately, productivity.

In addition to this immediate gain in efficiency, the approach aims to hide the intrinsic complexity of the tools. With active widgets, the user no longer has to connect to multiple third-party applications and navigate through each of them to perform the action.

Personnal Dashboard for mobile

Microsoft Teams, the productivity hub

With Microsoft Viva, the Teams platform will be placed at the heart of the personal dashboard. Launched in early 2021, Microsoft says it has designed Viva as a tool "100% dedicated" to the user experience. The "Viva Connections" module in particular is at the heart of Microsoft's personal dashboard approach. It creates a personal dashboard framework that will very simply give access to all the features of Microsoft Teams and SharePoint. With it, a Digital Workplace based on Microsoft Viva can deliver its full power and promise in terms of employee productivity and engagement.

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In its Global Survey: Companies are unprepared for the arrival of a true Digital Workplace, Avanade reports a 53% increase in engagement and a 67% increase in productivity as a result of adopting a Digital Workplace in an organisation. In addition, these productivity gains are equally beneficial to operational staff who can spend more time with customers or on field assignments due to the time saved on administrative tasks.

The success of this project is therefore crucial for the future of a company. The availability of Microsoft Viva modules makes it possible to take advantage of the strengths of the Microsoft platform, while the API approach now makes it possible to integrate any type of business application on the personal dashboard . Technology is no longer an obstacle and this maturity of solutions allows companies to focus on simplifying interfaces.

🎓 To go further discover the secret of a successful Digital Workplace: optimisation

For users, even if the technology is very abstract, the gains are very concrete. The Personal Dashboard is the tip of the digital workplace technology iceberg. Its role is crucial to its adoption. Companies that have chosen Microsoft 365 and Teams can rely on Mozzaik365 to deploy this personal dashboard function to their employees.

Choses à retenir

In summary, the basic concepts of the Personal Dashboard :

📌 A single environment for all communication, collaboration and business tools

📌 The ability for the company to customise the interface and content delivered per persona;

📌 Additional personalisation for each employee;

📌 Modern ergonomics based on the notion of context

📌 Opening to business applications through APIs;

📌 Full integration of Microsoft Teams and Microsoft SharePoint communication and collaboration capabilities



Le tableau de bord personnel dans votre lieu de travail numérique

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