Dans ce guide, Mozzaik365 vous présente cet outil clé, conçu pour améliorer la communication et la collaboration internes, la gestion des connaissances et l’expérience des employés. Profitez de votre lecture !
Qu’est-ce qu’un intranet ?
In recent years, numerous digital solutions have emerged to facilitate collaboration, communication, knowledge management, employee experience and project management. AAmong them are intranet platforms, such as SharePoint Intranet. So, how do you define an intranet? And what distinguishes it from other technologies? Read on to find out our intranet definition and more.
Définition de l’intranet :
Un intranet est un réseau informatique similaire à Internet, mais dont l’accès est limité aux membres d’une entreprise ou d’une organisation donnée. Les plateformes intranet modernes intègrent un large éventail de fonctionnalités, au point de se transformer en véritables lieux de travail numériques. Ils jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’amélioration de la communication interne, de la collaboration, de la gestion des connaissances et du travail d’équipe, en particulier dans le contexte du télétravail ou du travail hybride.
C’est aussi un environnement sécurisé dans un espace qui ne peut être accessible que par un groupe spécifique de personnes.
Par exemple, les réseaux intranet peuvent être utilisés pour :
- Disseminate information and promote events to employees;
- Organiser et suivre l’avancement d’un projet conjoint ;
- Create an onboarding or digital training course;
- Centraliser les outils de travail dont les employés ont besoin quotidiennement ;
- Stocker, partager, gérer et éditer des documents collectivement ;
- Search and find internal information and knowledge easily ;
- Identifier ou trouver rapidement un contact interne ;
- Interagir via le chat, les messages, les appels, la vidéoconférence, les commentaires, etc. ;
- Sonder les employés pour obtenir de la rétroaction ;
- etc.
Historique de l’intranet
Selon Anne Pauline Garbar et Magali Véran, le concept d’intranet est apparu pour la première fois dans les écrits des journalistes en 1992, avant d’être formalisé par Forrester Research en 1996 dans un rapport intitulé « Intranet à service complet ». À la fin des années 1990, les intranets faisaient leur marque dans les grandes organisations. Selon une étude de l’Union des Annonceurs, en 2000, 64,3% des 1 500 premières entreprises françaises disposaient déjà d’un intranet.
À ses débuts, l’intranet ministériel était principalement un outil de communication interne , donnant accès à la messagerie privée et au contenu administratif, commercial ou institutionnel. Depuis, l’intranet a considérablement évolué, intégrant de nombreux services et devenant une solution pour le travail collaboratif, la gestion de projet et la gestion électronique de documents (EDM).
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Quelle est la différence entre l’intranet, Internet et l’extranet ?
Internet, l’intranet et l’extranet sont des cousins proches.
Le dictionnaire Larousse définit l’Internet comme un réseau international accessible à tous et « résultant de l’interconnexion d’ordinateurs à travers le monde en utilisant un protocole d’échange de données commun (IP pour protocole Internet) ».
Unlike the Internet, the intranet is a private network, open only to members of an organization. It is based on the same protocols as the Internet and offers the same services (file sharing, messaging, online software, etc.), but on a corporate scale.
Enfin, l’extranet est une extension de l’intranet. Il s’agit d’un réseau sécurisé utilisant des protocoles Internet, permettant à une structure d’échanger des informations en toute sécurité avec des partenaires externes (fournisseurs, fournisseurs de services, clients, etc.).
Quel est le rôle de l’intranet ?
The modern company intranet, with all its new features, has not one, but a host of roles that are essential to the smooth running of today's organizations.
Transmission de l’information
Worthy heirs to the first intranets, intranet 2.0 platforms facilitate the transmission of information. Via the intranet, management, the HR department or the communications department can pass on messages to employees about company news, job offers or upcoming events.
Diffusion de la culture d’entreprise
The intranet also plays a role in creating a strong corporate culture. In fact, it can be adorned with the organization's colors to become a vehicle for disseminating its employer brand image. It's also a privileged channel for telling the organization's story, setting out its values, reminding its mission and, ultimately, highlighting its culture.
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Renforcer l’engagement des employés
The new-generation intranet is also designed to strengthen employee commitment. On a private corporate network, employees can have their say and get involved in the life of their company. They can express themselves by leaving comments on publications posted by their employer, take part in surveys, share their knowledge via blog articles published on the platform, or relay their organization's posts on their own social networks without leaving the intranet.
Favoriser la cohésion interne
With its many horizontal means of communication, the social intranet also fosters internal cohesion. The messaging systems, chat rooms and corporate social networks it hosts enable employees to communicate with each other, collaborate seamlessly and forge links. Employees can interact formally, as part of a project group for example. They can also communicate in a more casual mode, for example by creating a conversation group dedicated to a common interest (sports practice, innovations, etc.) on an internal social network.
⚙️ Pour en savoir plus, découvrez comment configurer un intranet de communications internes.
Faciliter la collaboration interne
One of the essential roles of the intranet is to optimize collaborative working. Tools that encourage interaction between employees facilitate internal collaboration. But this is not the only advantage of the intranet. The private network also makes it possible to share, store and even work on files together. By logging onto their intranet platform, employees can find all their working documents in their updated version. This is ideal for increasing efficiency, even when employees are working remotely or in different time zones.
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Sécurisation des données de l’entreprise
The intranet also plays an important role in securing company data. This private network enables confidential information and files to be shared securely, since only members of the organization can access the platform. To ensure the security of the intranet, administrators can also assign different rights to users, to limit their actions or the information they can see.
Améliorer l’expérience des employés
Last but not least, the intranet offers employees a better digital experience. On this platform, all the applications and information employees need to work efficiently can be found in one place. The icing on the cake is that these can be presented in a neat, user-friendly and customizable interface. All of which enhances the user experience... and therefore the employee experience.
Quels sont les avantages de l’utilisation d’un intranet ?
Avec toutes ces fonctions, l’intranet d’entreprise est définitivement un outil indispensable, d’autant plus que les avantages d’un intranet sont nombreux. En voici quelques-uns :
Une plus grande productivité individuelle et collective
Le principal avantage de l’utilisation d’un intranet est l’augmentation de la productivité individuelle et collective. Selon une étude de McKinsey, les entreprises qui utilisent les technologies sociales telles que les intranets pour améliorer la communication, le partage des connaissances et la collaboration peuvent augmenter la productivité des travailleurs de 20 à 25%.
Amélioration de l’image de marque et de la marque employeur
Another significant benefit of implementing a corporate intranet is the enhancement of brand image and employer brand. Thanks to this tool, organizations can easily launch employee advocacy campaigns and turn their employees into ambassadors. A winning communication strategy, since according to a study by PostBeyond, corporate messages have a 561% greater reach when shared by employees on their social networks rather than on company channels.
La rétention des talents est facilitée
In 2023, according to an OpinionWay and Grant Alexander survey, 60% of executives surveyed considered talent retention to be the main HR issue of the year. The intranet is the ideal tool for building employee loyalty. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to set up an optimal onboarding process and to properly onboard new employees. This is an absolutely decisive step in their willingness to stay. The intranet also enhances the employee experience by providing a pleasant, fluid digital working environment. A benefit that also plays a decisive role in talent retention. The proof is in the pudding: according to a study carried out by Zapier, 1 in 6 young people (Generation Z and Millennials) claim to have already left a job because of unsuitable technology.
Économies et retour sur investissement pour l’organisation
The final key benefit of using an intranet is financial. First and foremost, the adoption of an intranet reduces various costs and expenses incurred by the company. For example, the reduction in the number of unsuccessful recruitments alone represents a significant saving. According to Hay, a casting error can cost an employer between 45,000 and 100,000 euros. Ultimately, between cost reduction and productivity gains, the implementation of a modern intranet generates a remarkable return on investment (ROI). According to a 2017 survey by MVware, the ROI of a Digital Workplace averages 150%. Better still, according to a Forrester and Microsoft study conducted in 2019, the Microsoft Teams communication and collaboration application, integrated with intranets under Microsoft 365 - like Mozzaik365 - would achieve an ROI of 832% over 3 years!
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