Internal Newsletter:
How to Engage Your Employees ?

Traditionally used by brands to convert prospects into customers and retain their clientele, the newsletter is also a powerful lever for employee engagement. This internal communication tool indeed helps to keep employees informed about the organization's news, but also to spread the company culture and even promote social dialogue.

So, how do you set up an engaging internal newsletter and make emailing a cornerstone of your corporate communication strategy? In this article, Mozzaik gives you the keys to creating an internal newsletter that encourages your employees to fully engage with your company and contributes to the retention of human capital. Happy reading. 

What is an internal newsletter? Definition.

An internal newsletter is an informative email sent regularly by an employer to a mailing list that includes all or part of its employees. The creation and distribution of the newsletter are generally managed by the company's human resources or communication department. 

Emailing is an interesting channel of internal communication because it allows the prioritization of information to ensure that the most important messages reach employees. Therefore, the internal newsletter is a tool to combat the information overload that harms the mental well-being of 40% of French employees. 

How to set up an engaging internal newsletter? 

Creating an internal newsletter should not be improvised. Here are some best practices and tips to implement to create an engaging internal newsletter campaign: 

  • Give your internal newsletter a name so that it is perceived as a real internal medium that employees will want to read over time. A title like "the gazette" or "the weekly" will seem less austere than "internal newsletter". 
  • Personalize the name and address of the sender of the internal newsletter to make it more tangible, but also to allow employees to give feedback and increase the deliverability of your email.
  • Segment your audiences to send relevant content to each category of employees. For example, you could offer different information selections to field teams, headquarters staff, or managers.
  • Adopt a regular publication rhythm to make your internal newsletter a real appointment that employees look forward to. A monthly or weekly newsletter seems to be a good pace to maintain a connection with your readers without tiring them.
  • Carefully choose the day and time to send your electronic newsletter to maximize the opening rate. To identify when your target audience is most likely to open your newsletter, survey employees and perform tests.
  • Pay attention to the design of your internal newsletter to make it enjoyable to read. Opt for a spacious layout, create different sections and visually separate them. Also consider integrating visual aids (images, GIFs, infographics, videos, etc.) to make your newsletter more interactive and engaging.
  • Adopt the graphic (color codes, logo, font, etc.) and editorial (tone, vocabulary, etc.) charter of your company to make your internal newsletter a means of disseminating your corporate culture and create consistency between your communication tools.
  • Ensure you create a responsive newsletter, that is, optimized to ensure comfortable viewing on different screen sizes (computer, tablet, smartphone). For this, do not hesitate to use dedicated email marketing software for creating and distributing newsletters.
  • Carefully select the content presented in each of your newsletters. Present only information that is interesting to your target audience to avoid overloading them with information.
  • Structure your internal newsletter using sections, titles, and bold text. Be sure to place the important information at the beginning of your email, ideally above the fold, so that employees can see it without having to scroll.
  • Write a concise, airy, and catchy introduction and descriptions. Use short sentences, skip lines, and use bullet lists to make reading easier. To allow readers to delve deeper into the topics covered, simply insert external links to resources. Moreover, to retain the attention of the recipients of your corporate newsletter, use key figures, offer original content, inject a dose of emotion, or even add a few touches of humor.
  • Care for the subject of your internal newsletter. To generate clicks and a good opening rate, your email subject should be short, summarize the content of your newsletter, but also arouse the curiosity of employees. A key figure or a question might, for example, make employees want to open your email to learn more ("95% of our customers are satisfied. Do you know why?").
  • Insert clearly visible call-to-action and sharing buttons to allow employees to interact with your content and generate engagement. With sharing buttons, you can turn your employees into brand ambassadors on social networks by sharing your posts.
  • Measure the performance of your newsletter campaign by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the open rate, click-through rate (CTR), the number of shares, and the deliverability rate. In addition to these metrics, seek feedback from employees. These quantitative data and qualitative feedback will allow you to take corrective measures to improve your newsletter and make it even more engaging.
  • To save time and stick to your communication schedule, consider using generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Midjourney, or the ICE webpart integrated into your Mozzaïk365 Digital Workplace. These will help you easily find ideas for email subjects and titles, summarize your content and get concise descriptions with minimal effort, or quickly create attractive images to illustrate your internal newsletter and provide visual information.
  • Finally, use a high-performance internal emailing solution like the ICE tool integrated into your Mozzaik Digital Workplace. This internal email marketing tool, content creation, and performance tracking will allow you to easily create content for employees (blog articles, newsletters, etc.), plan their distribution to targeted profiles, and track the results of your campaigns in order to optimize them. 

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25 Content Ideas for Your Internal Newsletter 

An internal newsletter that engages employees is one that offers interesting, stimulating content and, ideally, encourages interaction. Here are 25 ideas for topics and content to include in your newsletter to engage employees: 

  1. New arrivals; 
  1. Internal promotions; 
  1. Internal job vacancies; 
  1. Referral programs for internal job openings; 
  1. Employee spotlights in text, video, or podcast format; 
  1. Company anniversaries; 
  1. Recommendations for blogs, podcasts, ebooks, conferences, cultural outings, tools, or applications related to your activity; 
  1. The most recent or most consulted articles on your blog; 
  1. Articles, videos, podcasts about your company; 
  1. Upcoming internal events; 
  1. Your new products and their features; 
  1. The training offered by your company; 
  1. Competitive intelligence in your industry; 
  1. News affecting your market; 
  1. Testimonials from satisfied customers; 
  1. Customer success stories; 
  1. Employees who have achieved exceptional results; 
  1. An idea box to collect feedback from employees; 
  1. A survey to involve employees in the decision-making process; 
  1. An internal quiz or contest to generate engagement; 
  1. Inspirational quotes related to your activity; 
  1. "Top" lists and tips, tricks, tools, media, etc.; 
  1. Advice for protecting mental health, collaborating better, being more productive, etc.; 
  1. The history of your company and product; 
  1. The figure of the month. 

Creating an Internal Newsletter that Serves Employee Engagement: Key Takeaways 

The internal newsletter is one of the communication tools to be integrated into your internal communication strategy to strengthen employee engagement. It is indeed an effective instrument for transmitting interesting information and interacting with employees without over-soliciting them. 

In summary, to create an engaging internal newsletter, focus on regularity as well as original, high-quality, and easy-to-consume content. To help you, draw on one or more communication ideas from the list above and rely on appropriate tools, including email marketing software and a generative AI assistant.



Bulletin interne : Comment mobiliser vos employés

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