
Expérience immersive


September 24, 2024


2 hours

Épingle d’emplacement

En personne

124 rue de Provence, 75008

🚀 Join Mozzaik365 for an interactive Immersive Experience in our offices. You can test our innovative digital workplace solutions, including Mozzaik365, MODA, and our AI tools. 🌟


Reserve your spot today!

👉 Test out intranet tools integrated to Microsoft 365

👉 Hands-on use cases

👉 Exchange with Digital Workplace experts

Register now

and ambrace the Modern Workplace and the future of collaboration!

Expérience immersive miniature vidéo
Expérience immersive

Features for creating an engaging Digital Workplace.

Formalisez la structure de l'entreprise en un annuaire clair, pratique et facile à maintenir à jour

Announce the arrival of new employees.

You will have the tools and tips to deploy a collaborative portal in a simple and efficient manner.

Derniers webinaires