
Communiquer avec une population dispersée : les leçons apprises de Sofinther


February 29, 2024


40 minutes

Épingle d’emplacement

En ligne

Sofinther explains how they managed to increase employee engagement on their intranet spaces


Florian Bouron
Florian Bouron

Mozzaik365 CEO

Frédéric Provost
Frédéric Provost

Chef de projet Digital

Nicolas Lepas
Nicolas Lepas

Chef de projet Digital


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The context and objectives of Sofinther

The solutions implemented to maximize employee engagement

The key stages of the project

The results obtained: benefits and lessons learned

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and embrace the Modern Workplace

Vignette vidéo Communiquer avec une population dispersée : les leçons apprises de Sofinther
Communiquer avec une population dispersée : les leçons apprises de Sofinther

What you will learn from the Sofinther webinar.

You will discover the solutions offered by SharePoint, its limitations, and how you can overcome them.

Discover the tools and strategy implemented to communicate a precise message to a targeted population through the most optimal channel.

Discover the different stages related to implementing a modern intranet within your organization.

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