
Microsoft Morning Brew avec Iomer et Mozzaik365


Le 27 juin 2024


30 minutes

Épingle d’emplacement

En ligne

En ligne

Are you maximizing your SharePoint? Many organizations miss out on key features that drive productivity and collaboration. Grab a coffee and join our casual yet insightful digital chat to ensure you're not one of them!


Knut Relbe-Moe
Knut Relbe-Moe

MVP Microsoft and 365 Expert

Jason Sirockman
Jason Sirockman

Partner, Intranet Expert


Reserve your spot today!

An overview of current trends in the market

  • Stay up to date with the trends in the SharePoint ecosystem.
  • Understand how these can impact and benefit your organization.

Optimize and boost your SharePoint

  • Personalize SharePoint for your organisation.
  • Discover features to increase engagement and productivity.

Practical use case: Finding the right tools

  • Get practical solutions and real-world examples of successful SharePoint implementations.

Register now

and boost the power of your Intranet!

Vignette vidéo Microsoft Morning Brew avec Iomer et Mozzaik365
Microsoft Morning Brew avec Iomer et Mozzaik365

What should you expect ?

We stay up to date with market trends to provide insights on digital transformation, future challenges and best practices.

You will discover the solutions offered by SharePoint, its limitations, and how you can overcome them.

Discuss with Digital experts to ask all your questions and successfully carry out your Microsoft 365 projects.

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