How to set up an intranet
in the public sector?

In a context of digital transformation and the rise of hybrid work, the intranet is becoming an indispensable tool for both private companies and public organizations.

In 2017, according to a study conducted by Cap'Com, three quarters of the local authorities and public establishments surveyed said they already had such a platform, and three quarters of those who were not yet equipped planned to create an intranet soon.

Faced with the legitimate enthusiasm of administrations and public companies for this technology, a question arises: how to set up an intranet in the public sector?

Are you interested in this topic? In this article, Mozzaik365 gives you the keys to carry out this project and find a supplier adapted to the needs of your structure and your workers as easily as possible.

Enjoy your reading!

Intranet into public sector

The value of an intranet for public service workers

Intranets are a must-have communication and collaboration solution for both private and public sector players. According to the aforementioned Cap'Com study, 70% of public organizations that have an internal communication intranet consider it a tool they can't do without.

And for good reason, an intranet platform facilitates the sharing of information (HR information, Who's Who, etc.) and the targeting of communications to the populations concerned, for example thanks to a personalized "News Wall". But that's not all...

A digital workspace also fosters internal collaboration, especially when civil servants and employees are telecommuting or working in the field. It provides access to co-editing tools (Microsoft Whiteboard, Excel Live, Word, etc.), shared to-do lists and Wikis for creating a common knowledge base.

Finally, when it includes an internal social network and bears the organization's colors, an intranet portal is a channel for disseminating the organization's culture and a vector for cohesion among employees. It breaks down silos, reinforces team spirit and fosters a sense of belonging among workers and employees.

🚀To go further, discover the must-have features of a good intranet

The particularities of an intranet project in the public sector

Although the benefits of a Digital Workplace are identical for public and private entities, the intranet projects carried out by the public sector have certain specificities.

First and foremost, the chosen solution must provide the highest level of IT security to ensure the integrity of data, especially that of users and constituents. For example, Microsoft365 provides protection against unauthorized access and online threats, including ransomware and malicious emails.

Then, the service provider in charge of the creation and maintenance of the intranet is designated after a call for tenders or chosen from a public purchasing group such as the "Union des Groupements d'Achats Publics", or UGAP.

💡 Did you know. UGAP is an intermediary between suppliers and public customers. It offers the latter a catalog of publishers already selected after tenders, in compliance with the rules of public procurement. Thanks to this public purchasing center, public players save time, money, security and simplify their purchases. And, the icing on the cake: the Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace is referenced in the UGAP multi-publisher catalog!

Customized intranet for public sector

Steps to implement an intranet in the public sector

Given the particularities of intranet projects carried out by public organizations, the implementation of a Digital Workplace intended for an administration, a community or a state-owned company must follow several steps that are specific. Here are some of them:

Step 1: Take stock with stakeholders

The first step in creating an intranet is to take stock of the existing one. At this stage, if your organization already has a digital workspace, you must collect feedback to it: what suits the users and the IT department, what features are missing, what could be improved, etc.

Step2: Write a specification

The creation of a specification document is a key step in the of an intranet. This document will serve as a roadmap throughout the project, determining the various characteristics of your Digital Workplace and finally allow your provider to know what you expect from them.  

Your specifications should be divided into different sections:

  • A presentation of your company, its context and its objectives;
  • A description of your functional needs and technical constraints;
  • A description of the services expected from your supplier (planning, deliverables, support, etc.);
  • A description of the intranet you want to obtain in fine (use cases, user experience, etc.).

👍 Need a helping hand to establish your specifications? Check out our downloadable specifications document and fill it out for a complete intranet project!

Turn your intranet into a Digital Workplace

Free guide

Step 3: Make a public tender or look for a solution referenced by the UGAP

Once you have written your specifications, go in search of a provider. You have two options for finding the right provider to meet your needs:

  • Conducting a public tender;
  • Look for a solution listed by the public purchasing center UGAP.

In both cases, the rules of public procurement will be honored since, as mentioned above, the products and services sold by UGAP are the result of calls for tender.

Step 4: Select the best provider

This step consists in choosing, among different intranet editors, the one that will best suit your organization's expectations. At this stage, you must of course take into account the price criterion. However, qualitative criteria should also be considered:

  • The support offered during the design and implementation of the platform;
  • Technical assistance offered during the life of the product;
  • The ergonomics and design of the solution;
  • Training and educational materials for users only;
  • etc.  

Step 5: Launch the project by involving ambassadors

From then on, you need to set up a project team that will act as an internal link with the service provider. This team should be made up of workers from your different divisions. They will have the role of representing the voice of their peers throughout the project, and also of evangelizing them and encouraging them to use the platform once it is launched.

Step 6: Communicate and train users on the new tool

To be definitively adopted by your employees, your Digital Workplace must be the subject of an internal communication campaign as soon as it is launched. This will involve publicizing the new platform, its features, its access methods and its benefits for each category of employee. To do this, you can, for example, produce a newsletter or a poster campaign on your premises.

Employees and civil servants should also be trained in the use of this technology. Group workshops, educational materials (webinars, tutorial videos, brochures, etc.) and even mentoring programs can be offered to users in this perspective.

💡To go further, discover the guide to communicate effectively internally

Step 7: Schedule steering committees to maintain the intranet over the long term

An intranet is a constantly evolving tool, which must adapt to the needs of users and to external constraints at all times.

To keep your solution up to date, add features or correct any bugs, it is necessary to set up an internal steering committee. This committee will be in charge of collecting users' comments, to bring up their problems, to analyze their uses and to make the link with your supplier.

public sector's intranet

Setting up an intranet in the public sector: conclusion

The intranet represents a real asset for public administrations and companies. As a lever for collaboration and internal communication, it strengthens the employer brand and helps to engage, retain and even attract talent.

The implementation of an intranet in the public sector nevertheless implies going through a public procurement procedure. The latter can be time-consuming and discourage public players from setting up an intranet or changing service providers.

To overcome this problem, public entities and organizations with public service missions can turn to a public purchasing center such as the UGAP. This type of vendor lists suppliers selected after tenders. Going through such an intermediary represents a saving of time, money and even security for public customers.

💡Looking for a vendor for your future Digital Workplace? Mozzaik365 is available in the UGAP multi-publisher catalog!



How to set-up an intranet in the public sector ?