Répertoire de l’entreprise

Créez facilement votre répertoire d’entreprise dans votre intranet SharePoint

The benefits of Mozzaik365

Finding in-house expertise

  • Search for your talents by name, department, function or skill using the dynamic directory
  • View the teams in the form of an info card and an organization chart

Get in touch in 1 click

  • Contact the right people in one click from the corporate directory with Microsoft Teams and Outlook shortcuts

Easy to update

  • Automatic synchronization with your Microsoft 365 database
  • Allow each employee to update their profile easily

Connect your business

With the hybridization of working methods, the company directory has become a must-have. Internal collaboration is only possible when you know who to contact.

By highlighting the skills and achievements of your employees, the company directory allows you to find the internal expert you need.

The advanced search allows you to find the right person on any criteria. Get in touch in 1 click with Teams and Outlook shortcuts.

Customized and up to date

Mozzaik365 expands SharePoint Modern's capabilities tenfold, allowing you to create a custom viewer, an organization chart, or a profile for each user. Create the fields adapted to your company to customize the employee profiles to your needs.

The updating of information is the keystone of the company Who's Who and must be the priority of this type of tool. For this, Mozzaik365 relies on your Microsoft 365 database and allows each employee to edit their profile from their personal Dashboard.

Transformez votre intranet en un lieu de travail numérique

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Features for creating your company directory

Formalisez la structure de l'entreprise en un annuaire clair, pratique et facile à maintenir à jour

Announce the arrival of new employees.

Make your intranet a single access point to all your tools and software.

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