Groupe communautaire

Créez des espaces pour que les employés échangent des idées sur des sujets qui sont importants pour eux.

The benefits of Mozzaik365

Centralize expertise

Create a community of practice to share the knowledge of experts and increase the skills of employees interested in these subjects.

Share your common interests

Offer communities of interest to connect employees around a common passion and foster their engagement.

Connect employees

Use communities of interest and practice to connect employees with each other, create a bond even at a distance and enhance their well-being.

Create a space dedicated to expertise

In a hybrid work context, being able to share expertise within a community is essential. By creating communities around specific interests and expertise, you create links between employees even if they are geographically distant. It is also a way to give employees a voice on issues that are important to them and to encourage their commitment.

It also allows them to increase their skills through collaboration with experts in a field. Finally, the knowledge is stored and the whole community can access it.

And also a space related to personal interests

Also in the context of hybrid work, continuing to create links is crucial. Every employee has interests, and sharing them with others is a way to connect employees with each other. In these communities of interest, they can chat, share content...

In this way, you maximize the well-being of remote employees and thus promote their commitment to the company.

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Features for creating your community groups

<span>Affichez les dernières news de l'entreprise et ciblez leur diffusion en fonction du profil de l'utilisateur.</span>

Formalisez la structure de l'entreprise en un annuaire clair, pratique et facile à maintenir à jour

Announce the arrival of new employees.

Insérez un flux de commentaires Yammer personnalisé dans le pied de page et à la place des commentaires natifs.

Aidez vos employés à partager leurs idées et à voter sur les plus populaires.

Engage your community by promoting contribution in the community.

Vous avez un besoin spécifique ? Contactez l’un de nos experts

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