July 3, 2023

Viva Connections: everything you need to know



Lecture de 5 min

What is Viva Connections? What features does it offer? What are its benefits?

According to a survey carried out by JLL in 2023, 47% of companies in France telework, and 56% of French people telework at least one day a week. In a world where remote working has become the norm, the need to circulate information and create links is stronger than ever.

This is where Viva Connections comes in, an innovative platform developed for Microsoft Teams, aimed at strengthening collaboration and employee engagement.

💡To find out more, discover what Microsoft Teams is (mozzaik365.com)

By combining Teams features and corporate resources, Viva Connections offers a centralized, 100% customizable hub. Employees can easily exchange and access all the resources they need.

But what exactly is it? This article explores the features and benefits of Viva Connections in detail: follow the guide!

What is Viva Connections?

Viva Connections is an internal communications application designed for Microsoft Teams. It aims to improve the flow of information between teams, and employee engagement.

More concretely, Viva Connections offers companies a central hub where employees can access all the resources they need in their day-to-day activities: latest information, links, news, applications, etc. It extends the features of Teams by creating a more personalized space, where employees can discover relevant content and exchange ideas with their colleagues.

The Viva Connections solution enables companies to personalize the user experience for their employees. This personalization is one of the key aspects of the application: as such, companies can fully adapt the interface to the specifics of their structure.

Viva Connections isn't just an extension of Teams: it's also a platform that encourages employees to connect with each other, while facilitating the exchange and sharing of resources within the company. The result: an optimal user experience, and a stronger sense of belonging to the company.  

🚀 Find out how to improve internal communication on Teams .
Viva connections : overviews

Viva Connections features

Viva Connections offers a wide range of features to facilitate internal communication and exchanges.

Here are some examples of its main features:

  • A centralized portal based on Microsoft 365, offering employees all the information they need (company news, upcoming events, internal resources, etc.) ;
  • Dashboards;
  • The ability to promote content ;
  • Fully customizable feeds;
  • Real-time notifications and alerts keep employees informed of important updates;
  • Business activity monitoring;
  • Audience targeting ;
  • Mobile connectivity, to enable employees to connect even remotely or on the move;
  • The integration of 2 new webparts, Dashboard and Feed ;
  • SharePoint integration in Teams.
📢 Find out why you should choose SharePoint for your intranet

What are the advantages of Viva Connections?

By greatly improving internal communications, Viva Connections offers numerous advantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • Centralized information ;
  • Improved employee productivity, thanks to more accessible resources and easier exchanges;
  • Integration with other Viva platform modules, such as Viva Insights, Viva Learning and Viva Topics ;
💡 Find out more about Viva Learning, the future of corporate learning thanks to Microsoft
  • Improved internal communication, thanks to centralized tools. Employees can stay connected and informed of company news;
  • Accessibility and mobility: Viva Connections is available on a variety of platforms, including computers, smartphones and tablets. Employees can access it from any device, at any time, promoting flexibility;
  • Increased employee commitment and a stronger sense of belonging.  
  • Reduce the costs associated with internal communications.
🤸 To go further, discoverthe guide to effective internal communication | Advice
Viva connections : Microsoft Digital Workplace

Coming soon to Viva Connections!

The Viva Connections experience on the desktop home page

This feature enables your employees to consult relevant news and information of interest to them, as well as accessing other Viva applications at the click of a button.

Highlight your corporate identity with Viva Connections

How about personalizing Viva Connections with your corporate colors? This feature enables employees to quickly find their bearings, while reinforcing their sense of belonging.

You can also use Viva Connections directly, with limited configuration.

Greater access to Viva Connections

Viva Connections is not only accessible via computer: it can also be accessed via smartphone or tablet, for even greater mobility.

Seamless operation in Microsoft 365

This feature provides access to targeted, relevant content from Microsoft 365. For example: SharePoint news, Viva Engage communities, Microsoft Stream videos and other content automatically presented in the Viva Connections feed.

Go even further with MODA

What if your company went one step further?

MODA is an application developed by Mozzaik365, which lets you quickly and easily create dashboards in Microsoft Teams. It can be used in conjunction with Viva Connections, for an optimal employee experience.

Easy to use, it offers an advanced level of customization. Various features (appointments, e-mails, notes, news, favorite applications, social networks, etc.) can be added to dashboards. Employees therefore benefit from a fully personalized Dashboard, enabling them to take full control of their digital experience.

👉Did you know? MODA is available in the Microsoft Teams Store!

The application also centralizes communications and business tools, for a real productivity boost.  

🆕 Find out how to create an Employee Dashboard on Microsoft

Choses à retenir

As you can see, Viva Connections is the ideal solution for improving internal communications and boosting employee commitment. By offering a centralized, 100% customizable portal that can be accessed from a variety of media, Viva Connections facilitates access to company information and resources.

By adopting Viva Connections, organizations can create a connected working environment that promotes the exchange and transparency of information at all levels.

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