January 5, 2023

Mozzaik365 Trombinoscope update: new features to discover



Lecture de 5 min

More functional and more beautiful : updated presentation of the Trombinoscope component of Mozzaik365

The Who's who WebPart is one of the key components of the Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace . This module allows you to visualize all the company's human resources and to find the right contact in a few clicks.

The Who's who WebPartof the Mozzaik365 intranet is thus a lever of choice to fluidify inter-team communication , encourage internal collaboration, simplify knowledge sharing between employees or facilitate the integration of new recruits. So many benefits that explain its success with our customers.

Committed to continuously improving the user experience of the organization's stakeholders, the Mozzaik365 team recently updated the Who's who feature. The goal: to make it even more aesthetic and functional.

In this article, Mozzaik365 goes over the various features expected of a good corporate Who's who and tells you more about the redesign of the Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace Who's who Widget .

1. What is a company's Who's who?

Before getting to the heart of the matter, let's briefly recall what a Who's who is, and what its purpose is.

1.1 Who's who: definition

A corporate Who's who is a visual support that gathers  photos of all an organization's stakeholders.

More than just a collection of faces, a modern Who's who also serves as a company directory and organization chart.

Integrated into the company's intranet , it provides access to employees' professional contact information and allows each person to be placed in the company's hierarchy.

1.2 What is a modern company's Who's who made of?

Typically, a Corporate Who's Who 2.0 consists of the following elements:

  • The information sheets on the employees with their photograph and various data such as their contact details, their skills, their projects or their past experiences.
  • An organization chart showing the hierarchical structure of the company.
  • A search bar designed to navigate through the Who's who.
  • An "edit" option to update user pages.

1.3. What is the purpose of a company's Who's who?

Despite its basic appearance, the Who's who is an essential tool for companies.

This tool has many benefits for employees as it allows them to :

  • Consult their colleagues profiles in order to know their contact information, function, skills, expertise, responsibilities, past projects and their interests;
  • Contact a teammate via email in an instant, simply by clicking on the appropriate link ;
  • Find the business expert or in-house skills they need at a glance with the integrated search engine;
  • Visualize the company's structure  and easily understand the roles and responsibilities of each person in the form of an organization chart;
  • Introduce yourself to the group in a meaningful way, simply by editing your profile and providing the information you want (career path, achievements, skills, interests, etc.).

As we can see, the company's Who's who has significant benefits for employees and, by extension, for the entire organization.

Ultimately, thanks to this tool, stakeholders integrate more easily, feel more recognized by the group, access knowledge more quickly and collaborate more easily with their colleagues.

The result is better talent retention, increased collective intelligence and, quite simply, greater team productivity.

But be careful, not all Who's whos are the same...

🏆 To go further, find out why the corporate directory is essential for internal collaboration

2. Characteristics of a good Digital Workplace Who's who

In order to be fully successful, a Digital Workplace Who's who must have different features, and must also be used in the right way.

2.1. Technical aspects: the features of a good intranet Who's who

To be effective, a Who's who must have certain technical aspects, including

✅ being synchronized with your Digital Workplace employee database.

In the case of the Digital Workplace Microsoft, your Who's who should display all employees registered in the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), the Microsoft service that manages employee identities and access:

✅ Being easy to use for teams and administrators alike;

✅ Being configurable by administrators;

✅ Allowing users to edit and update their profile themselves:

✅ Enabling you to quickly find the right contact and simplify contact;

✅ Enabling effortless viewing of employee records.

📌 To go further, discover 4 steps to create a Who's who with Microsoft 365

2.2. Precautions for use: the right ways to use a company's Who's who

Although the technical aspects have an important impact on the performance of a Who's who, the use made of it has just as much.

To take full advantage of your business directory, it is indeed necessary to take some precautions, including :

✅ Keeping your Who's who up to date.

To avoid relaying false or obsolete information via your intranet, invite your employees to update their profile regularly.

✅ Evangelizing employees, especially Managers, to spread the use of the Who's who throughout the organization;

✅ Integrate the Who's who into your Onboarding process to make new hires aware of the benefits of this tool and improve their onboarding ;

✅ Customizing your company's Who's who by adding fields if the standard setting does not meet all your needs.

By following these tips, you'll get the most out of your business directory.

As for the technical aspects, the latest version of Mozzaik365's Who's who ticks all the boxes. Read on to learn more!

3. Presentation of the new Mozzaik365 Who's who

Mozzaik365's Product Managers, Designers and Developers have been working on updating the Who's who component of our Digital Workplace.

Here's what you need to know about this update.

📌 Want to integrate a modern company directory into your Digital Workplace? Download our step-by-step Checklist to set up a Who's who.

3.1. Basic features unchanged

In its new version, Mozzaik365's Who's who module retains the features that have made it a success with users:

  • Management of profiles imported into the corporate directory;
  • Personalization of employee records;
  • Ability to configure the profile editing form for employees;
  • Personalization of the Who's who with the organization's colors;
  • Advanced setting options related to the component itself.

But that's not all. The Who's who Web Part is of course also optimized as part of the update.

employee directory example

3.2. One update, two guidelines

The enhancements to the Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace 's Who's who Widget serve two main purposes.

👉 The new Who's who aims first and foremost to make internal collaboration more fluid, especially in hybrid and teleworking situations. By making it even easier to find and identify contacts, it allows users of the Digital Workplace to work together more effectively, even from a distance or when they belong to different departments.

👉 Moreover, the new version of the Who's who is intended to adapt to the specific context of each company. The WebPart thus becomes fully customizable, both in terms of employee profiles and search options (search suggestions, filters, scope of profiles included in the search).

Employee directory digital workplace

3.3. New features that make a difference

In detail, various features have been added to the Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace Who's who in order to achieve the two objectives stated above:

  • An advanced search bar that allows you to search by name, phone number, position, skills, department or project;
  • Filters and suggestions to help employees find the person they need more easily and quickly;
  • Several layouts are available to adapt the Who's who to your organization's visual identity and uses in order to make it a support for your employer brand;
  • Customizable user profiles to meet the specific needs of your employees and reflect your corporate culture;
  • Action buttons integrated into each employee's profile allowing to contact them immediately or to share the profile link with another employee.

Finally, let's emphasize an important point: the design of the Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace Who's who has been completely redesigned to offer an optimal user experience to employees and administrators.

This new design allows employees to search even more quickly and makes it easier for them to use the Who's who module.

Mozzaik365 Who's who update: what to remember

The Mozzaik365 team is pleased to announce the update of one of the key widgets of the Mozzaik365digital work environment (DWE): the Who's Who

This collaboration and internal communication tool, which is essential for any company, has undergone several substantial changes designed to contextualize its use and facilitate joint work between employees.

To discover the new version of Mozzaik365's Who's who, request a demo.

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