October 26, 2022

The MODA application by Mozzaik365, winner of the BeMyApp contest



Lecture de 5 min

Back to the genesis of MODA, and discovery of this innovative product of Dashboards Teams.

Last June, the MODA application, designed by Mozzaik365, won the Teams Apps Challenge, a contest organized by BeMyApp and sponsored by Microsoft.

Mozzaik365 teams are proud to demonstrate once again their ability to provide relevant answers to the needs of organizations and their employees.

Back to the genesis of MODA, and discovery of this innovative product designed to integrate theMicrosoft Teams application Marketplace.

The Teams Apps Challenge, by BeMyApp for Microsoft

The Microsoft Teams Apps Challenge is a competition organized by the BeMyApp agency on behalf of Microsoft.

What's the objective of this competition reserved for startupsand software publishers?

Accelerate the design and development of a handful ofinnovative applications that will eventually be published on the Microsoft TeamsStore.

The Hackathon program includes ten weeks of online support during which participants benefit from the advice of Microsoft's Tech, Business and Marketing coaches.

The result was a podium of three winners, rewarded, in particular, for the innovative and impactful character of their project, and for the quality of its design and user experience.

This year, Mozzaik365 is pleased to be among the winners of the Teams Apps Challenge thanks to its new application MODA, whose story is...

BeMyApp Challenge

A look back at the process of creating MODA

MODA was born from the close collaboration between Mozzaik365's product managers, designers and partnership team.

The design of this digital product started with the observation and analysis of the current needs of Microsoft Teams users.

To detect these expectations, our teams conducted interviews with customers, monitored their new uses and needs, and researched new business practices.

The development phase of theMODA application followed an iterative process.

Once the concept was decided, it was regularly pitched to our partners, giving birth to successive versions, constantly improved.

The stages of the BeMyApp contest punctuated this iterative process and allowed Mozzaik365's teams to challenge the project.

The Teams Apps Challenge has several milestones, including an acceleration phase and a final sprint (the "Booster Hack"), at the end of which MODA was awarded.

MODA application awarded

The MODA application convinced the jury of the Teams Apps Challenge and won the BeMyApp competition alongside two other projects: CleverConnect and Coach for Eyes.

We are very pleased with this recognition.

It demonstrates that the young Mozzaik365 team has solid skills and knows how to mobilize them for ambitious new projects.

If you are one of the 270 million monthly users of Microsoft Teams, our latest addition, MODA, should interest you...

What is the MODA application by Mozzaik365 ?

At this point, you're probably dying to learn more about MODA.

Here's what you need to know:

MODA is an application that makes it easy to create custom Dashboards in Microsoft Teams.

What makes MODA different is the simplicity of the settings and the level of customization it offers.

Features can indeed be added to the Dashboard by simply clicking and dragging Widgets, then resizing and customizing them.

The finalized dashboard can then be made available to all or some employees.

The application can then be easily deployed to defined populations as a Personal App or in team channels. Governance and rights management are made extremely simple for optimized adoption.

Thus, the uses are infinite and each company can meet the specific business needs of each of its populations.

In addition, MODA addresses five issues frequently encountered by companies:

Does this arouse your curiosity?

Let's go into a little more detail:

1. Improve your internal communication with MODA

Internal communication is a major challenge for a company. It allows to federate andengage the teams.

However, according to an INside-OpinionWay survey, one employee out of three declares that they are not well informed, and one out of five says that they lack the information necessary for their work.

The MODA application overcomes this problem.

Our latest product allows you to create a Dashboard dedicated to internal communication directly in Teams.

Thanks to this customized dashboard, you can prioritize information, distribute it specifically to a target audience or notify your collaborators of the publication of an essential news item.

This way, your employees have the data they need, without being overwhelmed by a mass of information.

BeMyApp winner : MODA

2. Optimize the digital experience of your employees with MODA  

With MODA, Mozzaik365 is rethinking the digital experience of Teams users.

The result for your employees is a more pleasant and fluid use of their daily work tool.

As an employer, this optimal experience will make it easier for you to get your teams to adopt the essential Teams software, especially your new hires.

Have these different assets convinced you to download MODA?

Before you go to the Microsoft TeamsStore, read on...

Best microsoft app : Moda

3. Successfully onboarding new employees with MODA

The integration phase of new employees is essential in their retention.

It's simple, according to Deloitte, 22% of turnover occurs in the first 45 days that new employees spend at their company.

MODA helps you fight the scourge of early departures.

The application allows you to streamline your onboarding process by setting up an ephemeral dashboard, dedicated to the newcomer, directly in Teams.

With this Dashboardyour new talent knows at a glance who is who, what to do, what to learn and how.  

They are guided step by step, have easy access to administrative information related to their arrival, easily discover the members of the company and can even get in touch with their manager and colleagues in just a few clicks.

So there is no room for doubt and disappointment.

Best app : Moda

4. Communicate better with field teams thanks to MODA

Whether they work on site or on the road, field employees rarely have a computer that allows them to receive company communications properly.

The consequence? According to a study conducted by Yoobic, nearly one in two field teams feels disconnected from their organization.

MODA provides a concrete answer to this problem and facilitates communication with field employees.

The application allows you to create a complete and simpleDashboard, integrated into the Teams mobile application.

Thanks to this interface, those who are also called the Front Line Workerscan follow the company news, consult their to-do list or watch the organization'ssocial networks directly from their Smartphone.

In this way, field employees are better integrated and more committed.

BeMyApp : Best app microsoft

5. Make your projects run smoothly with MODA

As you know, a good flow of information is necessary for the smooth running of a project.

However, the interactions between the members of a project team are not always smooth.

There are many obstacles to communication : email loops in which information gets lost, forgotten attachments, files or links shared with only part of the team, etc.

MODA provides an effective solution to these difficulties.

Our new application allows you to create customizable dashboards in each of your Teams.

This way, each team has instant access to the information and links that are important to their project (task list, news feed, KPIs, documents, etc.).

The ideal way to facilitate collaboration and achieve your goals more easily.

Microsoft : BeMyApp

MODA, soon available on the Microsoft Teams Store?

Thanks to its victory in the Teams Apps Challenge, you will be able to find the MODA application in the Microsoft Teams store very soon.

To best meet the expectations of Teams users, our developers are currently working on the various features covered by MODA.

A catalog of Widgets allowing everyone to customize their Dashboard and governance options, to adapt your dashboards to the needs of your structure, are being developed.

The MODA application will then undergo a test period, after which it will be released on the Microsoft TeamsStore .

To be kept informed of the release of MODA on the Microsoft Teams application store, why not subscribe to our Newsletter and follow our LinkedIn account (@mozzaik365) to not miss any of our upcoming news.

In the meantime, you can contact our team here.

MODA by Mozzaik365 : what to remember

MODA is a new application for Teams designed by Mozzaik365 for the Teams Apps Challenge, aHackathon organized by BeMyApp for Microsoft.

This tool for creating customizabledashboards in Teams stood out for its innovative nature and won the competition alongside two other projects.

This victory rewards the efforts of the Mozzaik365 teams during the competition and, more broadly, during the year that has passed since we became independent.

MODA will soon be available on the Microsoft Teams Store and will allow you to address five major issues frequently encountered in business.

To be kept informed of the release of MODA on the Microsoft Teams application store, why not subscribe to our Newsletter and follow our LinkedIn account.

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