April 26, 2022

Optimise your Teams meetings with Microsoft Whiteboard



Lecture de 5 min

Find out how to use Microsoft Whiteboard to optimise your Teams meetings and increase efficiency

Teams, Microsoft's popular collaborative communication platform, has a wealth of features. Among them is Microsoft Whiteboard, a must-have application for running productive Teams meetings and working more effectively as a team.

Want to know how to optimize your Teams meetings with Microsoft Whiteboard ? Mozzaik takes a look at the issue. Read the following carefully!

Meeting with Microsoft Whiteboard

What is Microsoft Whiteboard?

Microsoft Whiteboard is an application in the Microsoft 365 suite. More precisely, it is an interactive virtual whiteboard: the equivalent of a traditional whiteboard, like those found in classrooms, but in digital format.

What are the main benefits of Microsoft Whiteboard?

Unsurprisingly, Microsoft Whiteboard has a lot going for it.

First of all, Microsoft Whiteboard provides a visual medium that captures the attention of meeting participants and helps them to better assimilate information.

In addition, Microsoft Whiteboard has the advantage of encouraging collaboration, co-creation,collective intelligence and commitment. Indeed, several people can interact simultaneously on the same whiteboard, exchange ideas, react to proposals and build solutions together.

Finally, Microsoft Whiteboard can be used on all digital media: flat screen, computer, tablet or telephone. It is therefore possible to use this tool for physical meetings, but also for video conferences and hybrid meetings.  

What are the main features of Microsoft Whiteboard?

Microsoft Whiteboard offers many features. Here are some of them:

When you use this application, you can customize the background of your board and integrate text, shapes, images, documents and even media (web, video and audio). You can also write, draw diagrams and draw freehand (with a mouse or stylus), for even more fluidity.

Microsoft Whiteboard also allows you to use colourful Post-its, interactive lists and a wide range of templates. These templates are designed to meet a variety of needs: brainstorming, problem solving, design and research, strategy, project planning, retrospective, games and learning. They help you gain clarity while saving valuable time.

Finally, as Microsoft Whiteboard is a collaborative tool, the author of a board can allow other users to modify it or react to it, for example by using emojis, "liking" items or taking a poll.

How to use Microsoft Whiteboard?

Microsoft Whiteboard is available in an application version (Windows 10 and IOS) and a web version (accessible online and with Teams). The same board can be consulted simultaneously via these different channels.

How do I access Microsoft Whiteboard in Teams?

Microsoft Whiteboard for the web is integrated with Microsoft Teams. It is therefore possible to create, view and edit a whiteboard directly in Microsoft Teams.

To create a board in a Teams meeting :

  • Start by logging into the Microsoft Teams meeting.
  • Click on the "Share" icon in the status bar.
  • A menu appears, in the "Whiteboard" section, select the "Microsoft Collaborative Whiteboard" entry.
💡 Good to know: It is also possible to create a whiteboard in a Teams team before a video conference.

How does Microsoft Whiteboard work with Teams?

Once your Whiteboard is open in Microsoft Teams, you and your collaborators can write and draw in the empty field that appears in front of you. You can also move the items you create by dragging them.

To draw or write freehand, click on the 'Pen' icon in the menu on the left of your screen, then select the tool of your choice from the toolbar at the top of your screen.

To type text or add notes(Post-its), reactions, shapes, documents, templates or images, click on the "+" icon on the left of your screen. Then select the feature of your choice from the "Create" menu.

💡 Good to know: When you create a Whiteboard in a Teams meeting, you can allow other participants to edit it or prohibit them from making any changes. To switch from collaborative to read-only mode (and vice versa), go to the "settings" tab at the top right of your screen.

Some concrete examples of the use of Microsoft Whiteboard

Microsoft Whiteboard can be used in an infinite number of situations. Here are some of them:

Microsoft Whiteboard can be used to make dynamic presentations during training sessions or meetings, whether face-to-face, hybrid or remote, with your employees .

The application is also perfectly suited for brainstorming sessions. Its colourful Post-its and interactive lists are designed for this purpose.

The Microsoft Whiteboard can also be used as a medium for games, especially for professional Serious Games.

Finally, the possibility of using the Microsoft Whiteboard to plan and manage projects should be mentioned. The numerous templates , the task allocation function and the interactive lists can be used successfully here.

Microsoft Whiteboard

How to optimize your Teams meetings with Microsoft Whiteboard?

Microsoft Whiteboard is the perfect tool to optimize your Teams meetings. Here's how:

The Microsoft Whiteboard allows you to prepare your meetings. You can create a board in your Teams team before your videoconference to lay the foundations for your future exchanges. Each member of your group can then contribute to the preparation of the meeting by adding their own elements to the shared table. In this way, the information needed for teamwork will be centralized, prioritized and clearly formulated.

During the Teams meeting, the whiteboard allows the speakers to illustrate their remarks in order to make them more explicit and easier to remember. Used in collaborative mode, the whiteboard can also receive feedback from participants. This is ideal for stimulating the commitment of the participants and boosting collective intelligence .

Finally, thanks to Microsoft Whiteboard, team members can keep track of their discussions without having to write a tedious report at the end of the meeting. Everyone can download the board, consult it again and even continue to add to it in order to continue the work they have started. A real time saver.

Optimizing your Teams meetings with Microsoft Whiteboard: conclusion

As you can see, the Microsoft Whiteboard application is a great ally in boosting the efficiency and productivity of your Teams meetings.

This collaborative, user-friendly and creative tool allows you to prepare and lead your video conferences and physical meetings in order to make the most of your exchanges.

The icing on the cake is that Whiteboard integrates naturally with Teams and the Microsoft suite. The whiteboard feature completes your Digital Workplace for an optimal user experience. From sending invitations to monitoring project progress to sharing meeting notes, everything is seamless. A must-have.

Choses à retenir

📌 Better assimilation of information during team meetings;

📌 Promotes collaborative work, collective intelligence and engagement ;

📌 Versatile tool, useful for both video conferencing and meetings

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