May 11, 2023

Manage your corporate events with the Digital Workplace



Lecture de 5 min

Corporate events are a great way to strengthen the bonds between teams.

Corporate events are essential means to strengthen the links between teams and reinforce team spirit. Whether they are physical or virtual, it is important to organize these events well in order to get the most out of them. Today, thanks to the Digital Workplace, you can easily create, distribute and manage your internal events. In this article, we explain how this solution can help you and give you some ideas of events to set up.

The different types of corporate events

Internal events are varied and can have different purposes. Here are the most common types of events:

Seminars : they are very effective management tools, as they allow to motivate and reinforce the team's performance. They offer moments of conviviality and leisure, allow for a change of environment, and promote synergies.

Team building: these events aim to strengthen the links between employees through fun activities. There is a multitude of team building activities: sports, cooking, treasure hunts, solidarity, Escape Games...

After works events: these more regular events in the life of the company are perfect for promoting closeness between team members. In a more intimate atmosphere, bonds are created more easily between employees.

Company-specific events: certain important dates can be celebrated. For example, the anniversary of the company, the adoption of a new identity, the housewarming of new premises...

Training: designed and implemented by the company, with its own resources, these events aim to develop new knowledge, strengthen existing skills and master new tools.

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How to manage events in the Digital Workplace ?

The benefits of corporate events

Internal events have many benefits for companies. Here are the main ones:

Strengthen the team spirit: corporate events allow to create tighter and more personal links between employees. They feel closer to their team.

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Resolve conflicts : getting out of the work environment allows you to step back from certain situations and resolve conflicts.

Boost productivity: by organizing events such as celebrations or seminars, employees feel valued and part of a group working towards a common goal. This can be a productivity booster when they return to work.

Develop a collaborative spirit : In addition to team building events, it is also possible to foster collaborative learning by organizing activities that predict participants' reactions in different situations. This will help employees learn to work together more effectively.

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Develop company culture : Every company has its own internal rituals and events, which reflect a strong company culture. At Google, for example, TGIF is a weekly internal event that allows leaders to take the floor to discuss current projects, introduce newcomers, answer employee questions, etc.

🚨To go further, discover our article Corporate culture: what is it?
Manage corporate evenst with your Digital Workplace

Some ideas for corporate events:

If you're short on inspiration for an internal event, you can use current events or the holiday season to organize team activities. You can also celebrate company victories, organize sports competitions or share company results with employees.

Here are some ideas:

  • Organize a Christmas decoration contest in the office or at home, and vote for the most beautiful Christmas tree or the best office decoration.
  • Host a St. Patrick's Day themed party with Irish food and drinks, games or a quiz about Irish culture.
  • Organize petanque, badminton or indoor soccer competitions during the summer for team sports enthusiasts.
  • Celebrate anniversaries or company milestones, such as the launch of a new product or the awarding of an important contract, with a small party or aperitif among colleagues.
  • Organize an after work get-together to watch an important soccer or rugby match together, or to follow a sports event such as the Olympic Games or the World Cup.
  • Organize a farewell party for a colleague who is leaving the company, by preparing a speech, a small gift or a book for attendees to leave messages in to show their appreciation and recognition of their colleague.

These activities can be adapted according to the interests and tastes of your employees to make them more attractive and stimulating.

✨ To go further, discover our article on the visibility of your corporate events | Mozzaik365 module

The Digital Workplace at the service of the internal event:

Organizing the event is just the tip of the iceberg. It also needs to be promoted so that employees participate. This is where the Digital Workplace comes in. Indeed, it allows to centralize all the company's events in one place. Thus, from this platform, employees can have access to the list of upcoming events, their information, register for them, as well as add them directly to their agenda.  

👉 To go further, discover our article all about the Digital Workplace | History and definition

Mozzaik365's event component

With Mozzaik365, it is possible to organize and promote events directly from SharePoint and Teams, with convenient features such as attendee management, or the Yammer conversation to increase engagement around the event.

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More information about the event component

The "Events" Web Part allows you to display the next events of one or more SharePoint sites, whether it is a summary list for a home page or a complete list with advanced pagination and filtering.

Its targeted distribution according to user profiles allows, for example, to display an event only to users whose department is "Marketing". This feature is very practical since you are sure to be relevant and reach the right person at the right time.

Here's what it might look like:

Intranet features : corporate event management

The event manager to manage registrations

Our "manage registrations" feature enhances the SharePoint event management feature. It allows you to add a registration list to your events.

What does it do? Simplify the process of creating events by defining and managing the list of participants.

Set maximum limits, registration dates and participant visibility to ensure your events run smoothly without a hitch!

Event manager tool for your Digital Workplace

Choses à retenir

In short, corporate events are important informal moments to reinforce team cohesion, corporate culture and foster exchanges. No occasion is too small to organize an internal event, whether it is to celebrate a victory or simply to have a good time together.

Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace allows to promote and organize company events by centralizing all information in one place. This allows all employees to access, register, easily add to their Outlook calendar in just two clicks and receive important information.

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