Le 23 mai 2024

Lieu de travail : la fin de la route pour le réseau social de Meta !



Lecture de 5 min

Meta shut down its collaborative solution, Workplace.

Découvrez toutes les raisons liées à la fermeture du réseau social d’entreprise Workplace par META et les différentes alternatives disponibles pour les clients actuels.

It positioned itself as a competitor to Slack and Microsoft Teams. Alas, Meta's social network for businesses, Workplace, failed to take hold. "We are abandoning Meta Workplace to focus on building AI and metaverse technologies that we believe will fundamentally reshape the way we work," said the parent company of Facebook. The network is expected to shut down in 2026. Here's why it's being discontinued.

What is Meta Workplace?

Launched in 2016 by Meta (formerly Facebook), Workplace is a social network designed for businesses. At its launch, Meta boasted about having 1000 companies participate in the testing phase, including giants like Booking and Danone.

One year after its launch, Workplace had about 30,000 clients.

Initially available in a free version (discontinued in 2020), Workplace also existed in a freemium version, which included API access for developing custom connectors. It was a serious competitor to Google Spaces and Microsoft Teams, to name a few. Thus, the social network's goal was to ensure better communication within companies, relying on proven concepts from Facebook and Messenger.

What were the strengths of Workplace by Meta?

The Workplace platform is designed to optimize work organization and communication among employees.

Its key features include the creation of inter-company groups, automation of manual tasks, access to knowledge libraries, instant messaging, and video discussions.

Simple but effective features, aimed at improving internal communication within companies. All based on the same design model as Facebook, the social network with 3 billion active users. The slogan for Workplace is, in fact, "Facebook, but for your company."

Accessible, intuitive, and easily recognizable by users, Workplace therefore had its advantages. Especially since it could rely on powerful marketing.

So, what went wrong?

What were the limitations of the solution?

While Workplace had some success in its early days, its main competitor Slack quickly caught up, which subsequently stimulated the creation of Teams by Microsoft. Workplace initially tried to compete with these platforms but eventually lost ground and partnered with Teams for certain features.

After the Covid crisis, the solution never really recovered: sources indicate a post-pandemic slowed growth, and a shift away from Meta's activities in favor of artificial intelligence.

Moreover, the tool was less effective than those of its competitors. Marketing and communication alone are not enough. Users eventually turned away from Workplace, deeming it less developed, especially in terms of integrations (the tool was not integrated with any other solution).

Why is Meta ending its Workplace services?

Low Growth

The closure of Workplace marks a turning point for Meta, which seeks to focus primarily on artificial intelligence—a market expected to reach $2 trillion by 2030.

But that is not the only reason. Indeed, despite a promising start (the platform claimed up to 7 million clients), Workplace never managed to impose itself against its competitors. Increased competition, difficulties in distinguishing itself, gradual loss of client trust (recall the Cambridge Analytica scandal)... All these factors contributed to the slowdown in Workplace's growth, which ultimately never really managed to break through in a highly competitive market.

Strategic Decision to Focus on Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse

Meta's decision comes as the social media giant is massively investing in artificial intelligence and the metaverse (a shared virtual environment). The company has spent $46 billion to develop the latter, despite increasingly harsh criticisms. Regardless, the Californian firm remains convinced that AI and the metaverse are the future of the Web, which justifies focusing fully on their development.

The less lucrative Workplace activity, therefore, had every chance of being neglected in favor of investments deemed more ambitious.

What alternative solutions are there?

Meta Workplace is expected to switch to read-only mode in 2025 before closing down permanently in 2026. For companies looking for an alternative solution, the question arises: which platform to turn to?

Microsoft (Viva Engage and Teams)

Viva Engage (Yammer) is an enterprise social network that functions similarly to Facebook: posts, comments, interest groups, event organization... It is directly accessible on Microsoft Teams via the Viva Engage tab. The only limitation to lament is that it does not cover all the needs of a Digital Workplace.

In this regard, one should rather turn to Teams, Microsoft's collaborative communication platform. It is the only one with extensive features: communities, conversations, channels, storage spaces, calendars, etc. Accessible and compatible with all devices, Teams makes it possible to connect from anywhere and at any time. Thus, it is possible, while traveling, to join a meeting or work on a document.

Mozzaik365: Going Further

To go further and meet all the challenges of internal communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing, Mozzaik365 is the solution par excellence. Integrated with Microsoft 365, this solution allows you to deploy your intranet in just a few weeks.

Our solution offers dozens of different features to add to your SharePoint sites, to create modern intranets that are pleasant to use. Whatever challenges your company faces (internal communication, strengthening corporate culture, optimizing security...), Mozzaik365 is at your service.


If Meta Workplace failed to establish itself, beyond Mark Zuckerberg's group's decision to prioritize other sectors in terms of investment, it was for a number of reasons. Inability to stand out from competitors, too low growth, lack of tool integration with other solutions... Meta's Workplace, due to the lack of interconnection, lacked flexibility and intuitiveness in use. Users preferred to turn to the competition, which ultimately doomed a solution that the health crisis had already impacted.

But rest assured, affected users: alternative solutions exist. For internal communication needs, one can turn to Microsoft (Teams, Viva Engage) and, to go further and meet more specific needs, to Mozzaik365.

Workplace will not close its service until 2025, so there is still some time to make a choice!

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