A digital workspace is a great tool that allows your company or organization to improve its internal communication, to facilitate collaboration between its employees or to better manage the knowledge related to its activity.
However, to take full advantage of your intranet platform, it is preferable to avoid certain faux pas... Are you interested? In this article, Mozzaik365 reveals 10 mistakes not to make to take advantage of all the assets of your Digital Workplace in 2023.
Take note!
# 1 Focusing on top-down communication only
The intranet is a device that allows three types of communication:
- Top-down, from the head of the company or the HR department to the employees, for example;
- Horizontal, between employees, through an internal social network for example;
- Ascending, from the teams to the supervisors.
By using your Digital Workplace only to trickle information from the top of your structure to the bottom, you are missing an opportunity to engage your employees by involving them in your internal communication.
In addition, you risk creating a sort of frustration in them, linked to the fact that they do not feel listened to and recognized.
Several solutions can allow you to give a voice to your organization's employees and boost the use of your intranet portal. In particular, you can:
- Produce video interviews that will be broadcast on your internal website and will showcase your talents;
- Organize surveys or set up virtual suggestion boxes to collect feedback from your teams;
- Use an enterprise social network like Yammer or a social media aggregator like the Social the Networking Wall component of Mozzaik365 to encourage employees to interact with each other by sharing, commenting and reacting to posts.
💡To go further, discover the top 16 features to integrate into your corporate intranet.
# 2 Using your intranet for internal communication only
The intranets of 2023 have become true Digital Workplaces, as many tools for internal communication as platforms for collaboration and knowledge sharing .
By using your company website only to communicate, you are depriving yourself of precious levers that could help you optimize the productivity of your teams, improve the work atmosphere within your structure and accelerate the development of your employees' skills.
Instead of limiting yourself to (essential) features such as the "News Wall", therefore, think about :
- Integrate collaborative work applications, such as Teams, into your intranet;
- Equip your Digital Workplace with an employee directory component that allows each employee to find an internal expert to answer their questions;
- Or, set up a knowledge management Wiki to create a database of the knowledge acquired by your teams over time.
# 3 Not recruiting a circle of contributors
Providing an intranet with relevant and useful content is a time-consuming mission.
If this task is the sole responsibility of your communications department, your general management or your human resources department, your Digital Workplace risks becoming impoverished and, ultimately, less attractive.
The solution? Recruit a network of contributors chosen among the employees. This network will be responsible for :
- Produce content for your internal site (blog posts, infographics, wiki sheets, etc.);
- Animate the platform through publications;
- Ensure moderation on your internal social network.
The result is more engaged employees and a more vibrant intranet!

# 4 Moving forward without a comprehensive strategy or charter
Not having a strategy for the evolution of your intranet or a code of conduct for the different behaviors that users should adopt can cause your project to falter.
And for good reason: if you don't track how your platform is used, your employees may gradually lose interest without you noticing.
Moreover, without a code of conduct or a cybersecurity charter, your intranet can become cacophonous, and even represent a risk for your structure.
To avoid your Digital Workplace floundering to and exploit it to its full potential, make sure you :
- Determine goals throughout the life of the device and set KPIs that will allow you to measure the achievement of these milestones;
- Appoint people to ensure that your charter is applied and set up steering committees to resolve problematic situations.
🚀 To take it a step further, find out how to calculate the ROI of your Digital Workplace.
# 5 Forgetting to update your Digital Workplace
An intranet is a tool that must evolve and be constantly updated in order to adapt to the needs of the users and to propose updated contents, useful for them.
For example, what would be the point of a Who's Who that has not been updated for months and does not give access to the contacts and skills of new employees?
To protect your Digital Workplace against obsolescence and preserve its usefulness:
- Designate a person to update it over time;
- Appoint a steering committee to regularly review and revise the situation;
- Survey your employees frequently to identify areas for improvement;
- Choose a solution that is easy to maintain and upgrade, like Mozzaik365.