May 17, 2019

Global Navigation in the Digital Workplace



Lecture de 5 min

Global navigation in the Digital Workplace is a major challenge for the company.

Supporting the user journey with global navigation

The Mozzaik365 unified experience is a solution that allows each user to optimize their browsing experience. Without having to rely on a single portal.

Indeed, an employee naturally turns to his or her workspace. They then abandon the communication intranet, even if it is still customary to see the latter appear by default on browsers.

Whether he logs on to his business space, a community or a project space, this component will become an indispensable companion for discovering the Digital Workplace. And thus access in one click to its most useful shortcuts and bring him information in real time.

No need to go through the browser's favourites or even open a new tab to find the entry point of a site: a real time saver!

Navigation in the Digital Workplace

Navigating the Digital Workplace

Navigation links

The company defines a global navigation so that the user can find his way around the Digital Workplace.

These links are then found on all the company's sites, spaces and communities and represent the first level of navigation.

In order to keep the number of links low and to make them relevant to everyone, each link can be associated with an audience: by department, location, position, language... Only the users of the associated audience will see it!

Latest news and upcoming events

When users arrive at work in the morning, they usually start by logging on to their work tools: Outlook, Teams, their business community, their project space, etc.

With this in mind, and in order to maximise the visibility of company news and events, he will find these elements regardless of the site or space to which he connects. He will even be notified when there is news.

An effective way to create more engagement in your communication space.

Enterprise applications

Make them available everywhere in the Digital Workplace

A list of corporate applications, made up of links, is often required. This is usually displayed on the home page of the group or entity intranet.

This is still possible, but we have a solution that we think is even more relevant. Make enterprise applications available regardless of which page of the Digital Workplace the user is visiting.

All applications and favorite applications

Administrators define the list of available business applications. Each application has a link, a logo and an opening mode.

These can also target an audience by department, location, function, language... Only users who match the target will see the link.

Each user can browse the list, search for an application and mark the ones they use the most as favorites.

Setting up a global navigation in the Digital Workplace becomes easy. And the other navigation levels are then reserved for local navigation and other useful links in the context of the space in which the user is located.

Global Navigaion in the Digital Workplace

Choses à retenir

📌 The unified experience allows for optimization of the user's navigation path

📌 The definition of a global path defined by the company helps users to find their way around;

📌 The creation of an enterprise application list allows for better overall navigation;

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