July 25, 2024

Mozzaik365: The Best Alternative to the Valo Intranet?



5 min reading

Alternative to Valo Intranet Solution : Mozzaik365

Discover a detailed comparison between the Valo Intranet solution and its alternative Mozzaik365, the SharePoint add-in.

In the context of digital transformation, the intranet is an indispensable tool for the proper functioning of most companies. A true Digital Workplace, the modern intranet is an essential tool for internal communication, collaboration, knowledge management, and human resource management. Choosing a good intranet solution is therefore a significant challenge for organizations.

Valo and Mozzaik365 are major players in the sector. Both software providers offer intranet solutions for Microsoft365, SharePoint, and Teams, providing a wide range of features designed to improve corporate communication, team collaboration, project management, and knowledge management. Unfortunately, the story of Valo will soon come to an end. Following its acquisition and subsequent closure by StaffBase in 2023, Valo's decommissioning is scheduled for July 31, 2025. By then, companies will need to find a new intranet solution. To help you choose the technology that best suits your needs, we offer here a detailed comparison of Valo and Mozzaik365. Happy reading!

What is Valo?

Let's start with a quick presentation of the Valo intranet solution.

Valo Intranet Solution
Valo Intranet Solution

General Presentation of Valo

Valo is a multi-award-winning solution that allows the creation of modern intranets within the Microsoft ecosystem. Valo offers tools for internal communication, internal collaboration, and productivity integrated with Office365, SharePoint, and Teams. With Valo, all the software and information employees need to work alone or in teams are gathered on a single platform. This collaboration, communication, and productivity hub is customizable, multilingual (available in 29 languages), and accessible from a computer, tablet, or mobile device (iOS or Android).

The Future of the Valo Intranet in Question

Previously considered one of the best intranet solutions on the market and appreciated for its good value for money, Valo is undergoing profound transformations. In 2021, the Finnish company was acquired by the German internal communication platform provider StaffBase. Since then, the German software publisher has announced the end of Valo on July 31, 2025. For users, the time has probably come to look for a credible alternative to the Valo intranet. Mozzaik365 is certainly one of them.

What is Mozzaik365?

Mozzaik365 has many similarities with Valo and is therefore a very credible alternative to Valo. Explanations.

General Presentation of Mozzaik365

Mozzaik365 is a French publisher that develops solutions integrated into the Microsoft365 environment designed to improve the employee experience. To date, Mozzaik365 offers two tools: Mozzaik365 and MODA. These technologies double the power of SharePoint and Teams by adding numerous features. They facilitate internal communication, boost internal collaboration, and streamline knowledge sharing within the company.

Mozzaik365 SharePoint Extension

Mozzaik365 is an extension of SharePoint Online that makes it easy to create modern intranets with rich and functional collaboration, communication, and knowledge management spaces. The Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace centralizes all the applications and resources that employees need to be productive and efficient, both alone and in teams, on a single portal. The icing on the cake is that, thanks to its impactful and customizable design, Mozzaik365 offers an optimal user experience and contributes to building a strong corporate culture.

MODA Teams Application

MODA is an application that allows you to create dashboards in Microsoft Teams to improve the employee experience. Thanks to MODA dashboards, essential information is grouped on a single page accessible from a computer or smartphone (ideal for facilitating communication with field teams). MODA offers several customizable dashboard templates:

  • Personal dashboard to increase individual productivity;
  • Team dashboard to strengthen collaborative work;
  • Communication dashboard to simplify access to information;
  • Onboarding dashboard to ensure the successful integration of new employees.

Mozzaik365 Intranet vs Valo Intranet: Comparison

Mozzaik365 and Valo are two solutions that allow companies to quickly create a modern intranet within the Microsoft ecosystem. The end of Valo's maintenance could therefore push users to turn to Mozzaik365. A wise choice, as the comparative table below illustrates, the Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace offers the same advantages as Valo but with even more design and features.

Features Mozzaik365 Valo Intranet Solutions
Quick deployment
Constant updates
Integration with Teams
Unified experience/navigation
Custom search center
AI boosted features
News hub including LinkedIn
Interactive image
New arrivals
Professional anniversaries

Why is Mozzaik365 the Best Alternative to Valo?

Mozzaik365 easily compares with Valo and even surpasses this intranet solution on several points. The Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace has many advantages that make it the best alternative to Valo.

Key Advantages of Mozzaik365

Mozzaik365 strengthens employee engagement, fosters cohesion, and improves the employee experience through better internal collaboration, better information sharing, and better dissemination of corporate culture. But that's not all. The Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace also stands out for the quality of its user interface, which is pleasant, intuitive, and accessible to both employees and administrators. Finally, Mozzaik365 guarantees one of the highest levels of security on the market as the data is hosted on Microsoft servers.

Essential Features of Mozzaik365

The Mozzaik365 Digital Workplace includes several essential features that make it a perfect solution to replace the Valo intranet, including:

  • The "Trombinoscope" component allows employees to find the detailed profile of an internal expert they need in just a few clicks by searching by name, department, location, function, or expertise. More than just a collection of portraits, the trombinoscope is a dynamic company directory coupled with an organizational chart. This facilitates internal communication, team collaboration, and the integration of new employees.
  • The "Knowledge Manager Center" component allows users to find pages or documents across the entire Microsoft365 environment using the search bar or by applying filters by tag or metadata. The search page can be customized by integrating custom filters and search verticals. This feature greatly reduces the time employees spend searching for information in their document library and beyond. It also facilitates document sharing, leading to better collaboration between employees.

  • The ICE (Internal Communication Experience) allows you to create engaging content effortlessly directly from your contribution center. Measure the impact of your publications on your target audience and choose to create articles with or without the assistance of generative AI. Take your internal communication to the next level.
  • The white-label mobile app makes your Digital Workplace accessible to your field teams with an engaging communication experience and a 100% customizable platform. It is also available for users without Microsoft licenses.
  • The "News" component highlights the latest company news and pushes information to a target audience defined based on user profiles. This feature is the cornerstone of a good communication intranet.
  • The "Events" component promotes events to which employees are invited. When an event concerns only certain employees, the announcement can be targeted to be broadcast only to those interested.
  • The "Automatic Translation" feature allows the creation of multilingual sites offering real-time translation into more than 15 languages. This smooths internal communication and collaboration in international companies.
  • The "Social Media Wall" component gathers all the company's social media posts (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) in one place and allows employees to interact with these posts with one click without leaving their Digital Workplace. This turns employees into ambassadors, strengthens employee engagement, and boosts the company's visibility on the internet.
  • The "Unified Experience" component takes the form of a navigation bar through which employees can quickly access the rest of their Digital Workplace, regardless of their entry point. This feature ensures productivity and an optimal user experience by allowing smooth navigation between the different areas of the intranet.
  • The "Personal Dashboard" brings together on a simplified interface the information, resources, applications, and business tools each employee needs to work efficiently and pleasantly every day.
  • The "Site Factory" allows the simple creation and replication of SharePoint sites based on ready-to-use templates. This feature allows employees to easily share their knowledge on a SharePoint site by publishing articles from a predefined template.

Mozzaik365 also offers new products integrated into the Microsoft 365 environment, such as SmartBot and Translator. These tools, which integrate AI at the heart of your processes, save time, increase productivity, and enhance the digital experience for your employees.

Mozzaik365: The Best Alternative to the Valo Intranet – Key Takeaways

The planned end of Valo's maintenance leaves users of this solution in a very uncomfortable situation. It is indeed impossible to do without a good Digital Workplace as this tool improves internal communication, internal collaboration, knowledge management, document sharing, project management, and human resource management (especially the onboarding of new hires). Mozzaik365 is undoubtedly the best alternative to Valo. This intranet solution has the same features as Valo but offers a more refined design and includes more functionalities. Thus, Mozzaik365 precisely meets the needs of organizations and their employees.

Would you like to know more about Mozzaik365? Click here to request a demo and discover the Mozzaik365 and MODA solutions. See you soon!

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